
Loans are available to private and/or public entities. Applicants must have sufficient experience and/or demonstrate sufficient, 房屋发展培训, 和管理层成功确保融资, 构造, 完整的, 并运营拟议的项目. All LHTF housing projects shall be undertaken and 完整的d by the developer (LHTF applicant). Applicants without the necessary experience must enter into joint venture agreements with experienced developers. 

Projects proposed as a Join Venture shall comply with the following: if the developer is a joint venture, the LHTF application or project will be assessed based on the experience of the "lead developer". The "Lead Developer" is the entity that has the majority interest in the joint venture or partnership. 在所有的合资企业中, a majority control must be held by the development entity meeting the Swift 县 approval. The LHTF committee will review and approve all joint venture agreements and decide which joint venture partner has the majority control in the management and operating of the joint venture. 

以有限合伙形式提出的项目, the LHTF committee reserves the right to approve the limited partnership agreement prior to any LHTF loan award. 

Development projects that create and/or preserve affordable housing units are eligible to receive funding. The residential portions of mixed-use and live/work projects that meet the affordability requirements of these guidelines shall be eligible for assistance. Funding may also be provided to assist in the creation of common areas, 会议空间, and other space primarily for use by the residents of the assisted units, such as rooms to provide onside medical or counseling services. 

Activities eligible for funding include new 构造ion, 取得财产, 将非住宅用途转为住宅用途, 再开发成本. All reasonable costs associated with new 构造ion or redevelopment of eligible housing projects are eligible for funding. 


All applicants for funding must meet the minimum requirements below. Applicants may propose to produce units with lower income or affordability ranges than prescribed herein. The Swift 县 HRA encourages projects that address chronic homelessness and/or housing for extremely low-income households, or households whose incomes does not exceed 30% AMI. 

All LHTF- assisted rental units shall be occupied by households with incomes at or below the targeted income category, 除非遵守联邦规定, 状态, 或者当地法律另有规定. 以确定租金为目的, "affordable" shall be defined as rent and utilities that are no greater than 30% of gross income for a household. 

Priority will be given to the project with the greatest percentage of affordable units. At least 60% of all units in an eligible housing project must have rents as follows: 

  • Affordable to households whose income does not exceed 115% of Area Median Income (AMI) 
  • Not less than 20% of the affordable units must be affordable to households whose income does not exceed 80% of AMI (Rents on the remaining 40% of the units may be set at market rate) 


All newly 构造ed or converted affordable rental housing units assisted through the LHTF shall be affordable for a period of not less than 20 years from the date of project completion. Property owner will report by April 30th of each year. 


Sale prices of affordable units must be set at a price affordable to households with incomes at 115% of AMI. 为了确定销售价格, "affordable" shall be defined as housing costs including mortgage payments, 房产税, 保险, and 首页owner's Association dues (if applicable) that are no greater than 30% of gross income for a household at 115% of AMI

All LHTF-assisted homeownership units shall be sold to households with incomes at or below the targeted income category (at or below 115% of AMI) who agree to occupy the unit as their principal place of residence. 

Developers are encouraged to offer priority to first time homebuyers for affordable homeownership units.  


HH大小  50% 80% 100% 110%
1 $28,250 $45,190 $56,490 $64,960
2 $32,280 $51,650 $64,560 $74,240
3 $36,320 $58,100 $72,630 $83,530
4 $40,350 $64,560 $80,700 $92,810
5 $43,580  $69,730  $87,160 $100,230 
6 $46,810 $74,890 $93,610  $107,650 
7 $50,030  $80,050 $100,070  $115,080 
8 $53,260  $85,220  $160,520  $122,500